Help me grow!
- I enjoy bright, indirect or filtered light and can happily thrive in medium light. Bright, direct light may result in the scalding of my leaves and leaf loss.
- I thrive in relatively high humidity and thus love to be pampered with a regular misting or soaking in a pebble tray filled with water.
- Occasionally, do dust or spray my leaves with a damp cloth or a gentle spray from the shower head for a refreshing wash.
- Always water me after checking the top of the soil first. If it is dry, it means I require a good watering.
- Cold drafts from doors and windows harm me and I prefer a warmer temperature between 16 degrees to 21 degrees.
- My sap can be toxic, if ingested, hence best to keep me away from pets.
- It is advisable to prune me in winters (using a sharp pair of scissors) when my growth diminishes and I go into dormancy.
- How do you keep pests away from us?
I am also prone to pests such as mealybugs, scale, and spider mite so treating me with neem oil is a good way to handle any of these pest issues. - How to use fertilizers for the plant?
Feed me with a liquid all-purpose fertilizer during my growing season from April to September.
Ficus Plant
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